Have a question? We can help.

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section. Below you will find answers on how to become a member, secure a share, find a schedule, and others. If you do not find an answer to your question, contact us and we will be happy to assist you. 

How Do I Become a Sharon Gun Club Member?

The first step to becoming a member is securing a share. You can either purchase a share or rent it from an existing shareholder. To do so, visit the Club Office on a Saturday between 11 a.m. an 2 p.m. Notices of shares for sale or rent will be posted on the Clubhouse bulletin board. Share transfers and rentals have to be approved by the Sharon Gun Club. After securing a share, you will need to fill out a membership application, submit it in person along with a membership fee, and meet with two SGC Directors for an interview and a reference check. Visit our Membership area to download the application form and learn more about becoming a member. 

How and Where Do I Buy/Rent a Share?

Shares are owned by Sharon Gun Club shareholders. Renting or buying a share can be done by visiting our Clubhouse on Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. for access to the bulletin board. The bulletin board will have information about current offers to sell or rent out shares.

Can I Become a Member Without a Share?

No. Sharon Gun Club is member owned, so a share must be purchased or rented from an existing shareholder in order to apply for a membership.

Do I need to Book a Visit in Advance?

No. Sharon Gun Club welcomes all members. However, we do encourage members to check the range Calendar prior to their visit to make sure that their desired range is not booked for a course, competition, or training and has not been closed for maintenance. A weather check is also a good idea to make sure your experience is enjoyable. 

Do You Sell Ammunition?

No. However, Sharon Gun Club fosters a community and a friendly atmosphere. From our experience, ammo sharing among fellow enthusiasts is a normal part of the day in case you run out. 

Is There any Assistance for Inexperienced Shooters?

Absolutely. We have certified instructors as well as experienced fellow members who are happy to assist novice shooters. 

Do I Need to Have My Own Guns?

Yes. Each member has to bring their own guns. Safety measures for carrying and unboxing have to be abided by at all times. 

Do I Need a Gun License?

Yes. You need to obtain a firearms Possession and Acquisition License to be considered for a membership. Once you become a member, you also have to successfully complete CSSA-approved introductory safety course provided by Sharon Gun Club's certified instructors.

Where Can I Find The Calendar for Events?

Calendar that includes information on courses, matches, and range closures is available in the Members area. Once you log in as a Member, you will see a section called Club Calendar with all of the events.

I Don't Want a Membership. I Just Want to Come in For a Day. Is That Possible?

Sharon Gun Club is a private, member-only space. We adhere to strict regulations to keep a safe and professional environment. Members are allowed to bring guests under their own supervision, but visits from non-affiliated individuals are not permitted. 

How To Qualify for Ranges?

Qualification for Black Badge Ranges (Range 1, Range 6 and Range 7)

To qualify to use an action shooting range, Sharon recognizes holster training courses conducted by IPSC.  This course is offered through IPSC and not directly by Sharon Gun Club although Black Badge course may be conducted on Sharon's ranges.


IPSC Black Badge Courses can be found by contacting the IPSC Black Badge Coordinator here.

More information on the IPSC Black Badge course can be found here on the IPSC Ontario site.


Additional requirement for use of rifles on Range 6

Due to the extended range of rifles, the relatively low height of the berms on range 6 and the more complex handling of semi-auto rifles under time-pressure versus pistols, Sharon requires Range 6 rifle users to have participated without disqualification, in at least one IPSC Rifle Match.

These rifle matches are conducted by various clubs including Sharon.  Registration for these matches can be done through the IPSC Ontario website.


Qualification for Range 4

To qualify to shoot on range 4 you must have passed the range 4 qualification course.  This course will ensure that you are familiar with basic ballistics and how it affects your adjustment and use of sighting equipment on your rifle.  It is run when sufficient number of attendees have registered for the course.  The registration form is posted on the club bulletin board closest to the guest register.


Qualification for Range 8 (Trap)

To qualify to use range 8 you must have passed the trap range course.  Registration for this course is best accomplished by speaking to the club executive on duty on a Saturday morning.


To Qualify for Range 7 (Alcove)

To qualify to use range 7, you must have received your Black Badge certification and must be qualified on the trap range.  This is necessary since travel to the alcove requires coordination by radio between shooters on the trap range and those traveling to and from Range 7.

How To Report an Incident?

Reporting a Range Safety Incident or a Club Rule Violation

Sharon Gun Club holds the safety of its members, guests and the surrounding community as its highest priority.   We are privileged to be able to enjoy our sport at our own facility - to continue to do so we must ensure that everyone follows the rules that maintain the safety of our extended community and thus the continuity of the club.

Similarly the club has a number of administrative rules that protect the regulatory approvals needed for club operation, protect the liability insurance extended to the club or maintain the sound operation of the club.  When these rules are violated, it can cause problems that consume time and sometimes the fees of our members - all better spent to improve our experience at the club.

To protect the safety of the community and to maintain the integrity of club operations we ask that all members help to police each other.  Most violations will be minor and will only require members to remind each other of the rules or make each other aware of actions or behaviors that violate the rules.  Incident reports are meant to capture only those violations by members that are likely to re-occur or that pose a significant safety concern.  The Chief Range Officer and the club President will investigate incident reports and determine what action is required.  This may include a hearing before the Board of Directors.


To report an incident you can complete the form (in Microsoft Word) located here.  Email the completed form to Sharon's Chief Range Officer here.  Alternatively you can obtain a printed form at the club office and submit it to the individual on duty each Saturday.

How to Get Range Equipment Repaired?

Getting Range Equipment Repaired

If you notice range equipment that is damaged - for example, damaged shooting benches, broken trap machine, damaged re-settable targets (Range 5), you can help club management by reporting the damage.


Please send an email describing the problem and location of the damaged equipment to  info@sharongunclub.com

How To Contact Club Management?

Contacting Club Management

Sharon Gun Club is managed by a team of volunteers who sit on the club's Board of Directors for a 2-year term.  The Board is supported by various contractors in maintaining the range and its equipment.  Members of the Board, each take primary responsibility for some aspect of club operation during their tenure.  A Director is also on-duty at the clubhouse on Saturday mornings.  Inquiries and concerns can be addressed by them.

Contact information provided below will be directed to the Director responsible for the function described.


Club or Range Emergency

If you need to report an urgent issue with club facilities or a range incident.  Email incidents@sharongunclub.com.



Club Operations

Concerns, questions or suggestions related to the operation of the club and its facilities.  Email president@sharongunclub.com.


Range Rules and Range Safety: 

Concerns, questions or suggestions related to SGC's ranges or events.  Email chiefrangeofficer@sharongunclub.com.


Safety of Club Rule Infractions:

Complete the form (in Microsoft Word) located here.  Email the completed form to chiefrangeofficer@sharongunclub.com.  Alternatively you can obtain a printed form at the club office and submit it to the individual on duty each Saturday.

How to Report Website Issues?

Reporting Issues with Website or Email

If you notice a problem with the club website, are having difficulty logging-in or are not receiving club emails you can notify the club webmaster of the issue by email here.

How to Change Your Website Privacy Settings?

Changing Your Privacy Settings

Your can manage your personal information and email subscriptions through settings in your website profile.

To change your profile look at the top of the club home page and select "View profile" as shown below.

This will show you the information that the club website pertaining to you.  Feel free to edit this as needed by selecting "Edit profile" as shown below.

In addition to editing your personal information, you can also change which emails you receive.  To do this, select "Email subscriptions" as shown below and deselect the subscriptions that you do not want to receive.



If you would like to be completely removed from the club website, send an email here indicating your wishes.

How to Get Involved with Shooting Sports?

How to Get Involved with Various Shooting Sports


There are many ways in which club members can get involved with the various shooting sports depending on their level of interest.  In general, one can contact a club member who is involved in the sport for some direction.  If the sport has a formal organizing body, one might contact the club representative of that organization for guidance or contact the organizing body directly (see the "Shooting Sports Organizations" links in the Resources section of the website here).

The following are Club members who are representatives for the following disciplines:

IPSC - Mike Mahoney  Email him here or call him at: (416) 930-7355

ICORE - Darrell Bond    Email him @ darrellbond@me.com

IDPA - Richard Lasaga Email him @ idpa-rich@protonmail.com

Some shooting sports are not formally represented at the club.  Examples of these include Trap, CQB, F-Class rifle and cowboy action.  In these cases, it is best for members to connect through members who currently participate in the sport.

Informal group trap shoots are held on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am.  Attending these shoots is an excellent way to get introduced to the sport.

How To Help With a Match?

Volunteering to Help with A Match


Match organizers are almost always in need of assistance in organizing and running a match.  There are many roles that need to be filled for a successful match.  Some of these roles require specialized training, for example  - to be a Range Officer who supervises competitors and enforces the rules of the competition.  There are however other roles such as those involved in the building of the competition stages or the tear-down where anyone can help.  Assisting with matches is a great way for anyone to learn more about the sport and to get involved.


The best way to see where you can help is to speak to the Match Director i.e. the primary organizer of the match, to see where your skills might best fit.  Matches and the responsible Match Director will be found in the Sharon Event Calendar.  Ask around at the clubhouse to be introduced to the match director and go from there.  Have fun and get your friends involved.

become a Member

Become a member of Sharon Gun Club to enjoy access to our facilities, classes, workshops and competitions. With our membership, you'll become part of a network of enthusiasts who care about the integrity of shooting sports.

More about Membership
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